Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Wake Up Early

Wake Up Early

1) Stop hitting the snooze button. The extra 3 minutes that you are snoozing for makes no difference.
2)Try to get at least a full 8 hours of sleep. People that do not get enough sleep, are the more sluggish people.
3) Make your bedroom a place that you enjoy being in. Decorate it so you feel comfortable and safe in.
4)Dress right at night. Make sure your night wear is comfortable.
5) Adjust the temperature in the room so it is just RIGHT! Tossing and turning happens when your either hot or cold.
6)Turn on the light right away.
7)Drink and eat well before bed.
8)Splash water on your face to wash away the sleepiness.
9)Jump and stretch
10) Use the restroom before you go to bed.

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