Tuesday, May 29, 2012


1) Cook at home often-a decent meal when you eat out is about $ 10.00 a meal. So imagine if you ate out every day for lunch. This is just during lunch time.  When you cook at home, you can cook extra during dinner time to pack for lunch.

2)Make your own coffee- if you are a Starbuck's lover, it is $5-6 dollars per cup each day. In a month that is over $ 200.00

3)Make a list before you go shopping- if you know exactly why you needed to go to the store then you go straight there to grab what you need. Now if you don't make a list, you end up walking down every aisle and grabbing everything that interest you.

4)Buy in bulk whenever possible- you will save in the long-run!

5)Line your trash can with grocery bags

6)Disconnect land line if possible. No one using land line anymore. A cell phone is all that you would need.

7)Ride your bike or carpool if possible. You and the other person will save money on gas if you carpool. Because you will take turns carpooling. Another thought is if you car pool you tend to not stop at places like: mall, Starbucks etc. if you know that you did not drive.

8)Keep away from high-roller friends. Easily influenced!!!

9)Plan vacations ahead of time. It will save alot of money

10)If you like going to movies threatre. Go before 6:00PM. It is cheaper.

I hope I just saved you some money! 

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