Tuesday, May 29, 2012


1) Cook at home often-a decent meal when you eat out is about $ 10.00 a meal. So imagine if you ate out every day for lunch. This is just during lunch time.  When you cook at home, you can cook extra during dinner time to pack for lunch.

2)Make your own coffee- if you are a Starbuck's lover, it is $5-6 dollars per cup each day. In a month that is over $ 200.00

3)Make a list before you go shopping- if you know exactly why you needed to go to the store then you go straight there to grab what you need. Now if you don't make a list, you end up walking down every aisle and grabbing everything that interest you.

4)Buy in bulk whenever possible- you will save in the long-run!

5)Line your trash can with grocery bags

6)Disconnect land line if possible. No one using land line anymore. A cell phone is all that you would need.

7)Ride your bike or carpool if possible. You and the other person will save money on gas if you carpool. Because you will take turns carpooling. Another thought is if you car pool you tend to not stop at places like: mall, Starbucks etc. if you know that you did not drive.

8)Keep away from high-roller friends. Easily influenced!!!

9)Plan vacations ahead of time. It will save alot of money

10)If you like going to movies threatre. Go before 6:00PM. It is cheaper.

I hope I just saved you some money! 

Monday, May 21, 2012


What you omit from your resume can be just as important as what you include. Here are seven things to leave off:
  • Your photo. Seriously. Stop. It doesn't matter how someone looks, it is about their experience and their education.
  • Subjective descriptions. Your resume is for experience and accomplishments only. It's not the place for subjective traits, like "great leadership skills" or "creative innovator." I ignore anything subjective that an applicant writes about herself, because so many people's self-assessments are wildly inaccurate and I don't yet know enough about the candidate to have any idea if hers is reliable or not.
  • The objective statement you clearly wrote for a different company. In fact, leave an objective off altogether.
  • A third page. If you're in your twenties, your resume should only be one page--there's not enough experience to justify a second one. If you're older, two pages are fine, but you go over that limit at your own peril. Keep in mind that: hiring managers may be spending only 20 or 30 seconds on your application initially, so extra pages are either ignored or they dilute the impact of the others.
  • Two versions of your resume. You have to pick just one.
  • Your abilities to type and to use Word. It's assumed you can do both of these things. It is 2012 everyone should have the ability to type and use Word.
  • Extra documentation. Unless the company has specifically asked for something other than a cover letter and resume, don't send it. Sometimes candidates include unsolicited writing samples, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and so forth. In most cases, sending these extras without being asked won't help you, and in some cases it can actually hurt. For instance, when a candidate attaches an unsolicited 20-page writing sample, it looks naive and makes me think she doesn't understand the hiring process.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


 1: Give Yourself a Dry Brush Exfoliation
A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the gentle pressure is calming to the nervous system. To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush.

Tip 2: Rev Up Your Digestion
In substitute medicine, good skin is a suggestion of a good digestive system. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation, imbalanced "good" vs. "bad" bacteria, leaky gut, and other digestive conditions. The two most common sluggish digestion culprits are:
·         Culprit #1: Not Enough Water Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation. 5 Ways to Boost Your Water Intake
·         Culprit #2: Not Enough Fiber Most people lack fiber in their diets - the average person eats only 12 g of fiber a day. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board established recommended fiber intakes. For men aged 19-50 years, 38 g fiber is recommended, and for men over 50, 31 g fiber is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50 years, 25 g fiber is recommended, and for women over 50, 21 g fiber is recommended. 

Some suggestions:
1.        Add Whole Grains - Choose whole grain products over refined. Have brown rice instead of white or make your own 50:50 combination. 
2.        An Apple a Day - Have an apple, skin on, as a snack.
3.        Eat Cauliflower - Try this delicious Roasted Cauliflower recipe!
4.        High-fiber snacks - Snack on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes. 
5.        Eat Beans and Legumes - Open a can of your favorite beans or legumes. Rinse them well and add them to your meal.
6.        Ground Flaxseeds - For any easy fiber boost, sprinkle ground flaxseeds (available at health food stores) on rice, salads, oatmeal, or any other meal. Store flaxseeds in the fridge.
Tip 3: Invigorate Sluggish Circulation 
Do you sit at your desk for hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom? One of the best things you can do for your skin, stress level, and overall health is to get moving! Inactivity may affect skin and promote bloating and puffiness, acne, cellulite, and loss of muscle tone. You'll learn more about exercise in Step 9 of the Wellness Makeover. Here are some quick suggestions:
·         Take a quick break to go outside and walk around the block.
·         Book a massage therapy appointment.
·         Close your door and stretch.
·         Go to the gym.
·         Start each morning by stretching.
·         Get a skipping rope.
Tip #4: Avoid Excess Sugar 
Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it. The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag.
·         Try This - It may seem impossible to reduce your sugar intake, but it can be done! A gradual approach works best. In the next week, choose one thing you're going to do to decrease the amount of sugar you consume. For example, start by cutting the amount of sugar in your daily coffee or tea by half. Every week, find another way you can decrease your sugar intake. Pretty soon, you'll be surprised at how far you've come!
Tip #5: Eat Some Good Fats
Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. Here are my suggestions on getting more essential fats:
·         Flaxseed and walnut oil - Use flaxeed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Be sure to keep these oils refrigerated. They should not be heated or used for cooking.
·         Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source, however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (otherwise known as PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.
·         Supplements - Consider fish oil supplements. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Everyone talks about how castor oil helps with hair growth. Here is why:
What is castor oil?

Castor oil is removed from the seeds of the castor bean plant and has been used since early time for a variety of conditions and complaints, including hair and skin care. It is regarded as valuable oil due to its myriad uses.
The simple reason behind the popularity of castor oil is due to its curative and medicinal properties that can easily cure skin and hair problems.
The correct ways to use castor oil:
  • Always invest in good quality castor oil to enjoy its benefits. Using your fingertips, apply castor oil to your roots and scalp.
  • When applying castor oil make sure it is evenly distributed on the scalp properly.
  • The oil should be applied on the roots and scalp. Avoid using the oil into your hair as its thick consistency may be hard to wash out.
  • After applying castor oil, cover your hair with a towel.
  • Allow castor oil to stay in your hair for at least 15 to 20 minutes or allow it to set overnight.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove the castor oil.
  • Follow the process once a week for two to three months to see the results.

Monday, May 14, 2012

How to get thick eyelashes at home

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes Naturally thumbnail

The best found way to get your lashes to grow thicker and fuller at home. Also, at a very low cost.

Long eye lashes is everything that any girl dreams for. When they are full and curled, it makes your eyes look bigger and brighter.

1) Once again, having a healthy diet is always key.  As crazy as it sounds, but having a healthy diet will help in your lashes growth. Anything that makes your hair grow will make your eyelashes grow.

2)Applying natural lubricants like olive oil or petroleum jelly to your lashes at night with a lash brush at night, then wash them off in the morning. Vitamin E oil will also work.

Friday, May 11, 2012

How to fall asleep at night


Sleep is just as important as air,water and food.

Here are 5 basic things that you should try:

1) Never oversleep- keeping the same sleep pattern is key. Because when you dont keep the same sleeping patterns, it resets your body clock cycle.

2)Exercise- be active during the day is beneficial because by the time you lay down for bed your body is ready to rest.

3)Set up light time. During the day your body is use to being in the late, and when you are about to go to bed you obviously need to turn off the light. Light is a signal for your body.

4)Don't nap- During the day if you feel like your body is getting sleepy, then get up and start walking around so your oxygen and energy can start flowing again.

5) Read a book or listen to soft relaxing music.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Wake Up Early

Wake Up Early

1) Stop hitting the snooze button. The extra 3 minutes that you are snoozing for makes no difference.
2)Try to get at least a full 8 hours of sleep. People that do not get enough sleep, are the more sluggish people.
3) Make your bedroom a place that you enjoy being in. Decorate it so you feel comfortable and safe in.
4)Dress right at night. Make sure your night wear is comfortable.
5) Adjust the temperature in the room so it is just RIGHT! Tossing and turning happens when your either hot or cold.
6)Turn on the light right away.
7)Drink and eat well before bed.
8)Splash water on your face to wash away the sleepiness.
9)Jump and stretch
10) Use the restroom before you go to bed.